Complaints Procedure

AXO Student Living is committed to monitoring and evaluating its services to enhance their quality and ensure that they meet the standards expected by our customers.

We recognise that there may be occasions when these information and feedback mechanisms are not sufficient to deal with problems that may occur from time to time. For this reason, AXO Student Living has a formal Complaints procedure to ensure that complaints and comments are dealt with in an efficient and professional manner.

The complaints procedure aims to:

  • be easily accessible
  • resolve complaints informally at local level wherever possible
  • encourage prompt review and decision making, with established time frames for action
  • ensure a full and fair investigation
  • respect complainants’ desire for confidentiality wherever possible
  • provide an effective response and appropriate redress

What is a complaint?

Examples of complaints include:

  • unhappiness with the standards of service provided
  • actions or lack of actions by AXO Student Living, its staff or appointed contractors

Who Can Complain?

  • Students (current or previous students)
  • Relatives and guardians of students
  • Strategic Partners

How to Complain

    • Via the student portal – AXO Hub
    • Verbally (in person or over the phone)
    • Via Email
    • Via Text Message
    • In writing

Upon Receiving a Complaint

AXO Student Living will:

  • handle the complaint in a quick, polite and straightforward way
  • investigate the complaint thoroughly and impartially
  • endeavor to keep the complainant informed at all stages of the process
  • ensure that students, in particular, are not disadvantaged in any way by reason of raising the complaint.

In the first instance all complaints (Stage One) must be raised informally and directly at the point at which the problem arose via a member of staff on site. Within 48 hours of receipt of your complaint you will be provided in writing the name and contact details of the person who is dealing with your complaint.

If the complaint relates to a member of staff then the complaint will be heard by the Area Manager or the National General Manager.

All complaints will be heard within a 14-day period and the complainant notified of the outcome in writing.

If the informal stage has failed to resolve the complaint the matter will be dealt with formally and complaints must be made in writing and submitted at:


On receipt of your formal complaint (Stage Two) you will be noticed in writing of the person dealing with your complaint and will be given their contact details. Your formal complaint must be made within 20 working days of the incident giving rise to the complaint.

The complaint will be acknowledged within 48 hours and a full investigation undertaken within the next 25 working days.

If a complainant remains dissatisfied with the outcome of the Stage 2 response, they may submit a request for a review of the Stage 2 decision.

The complaint must be submitted to the Director of Operations within 10 working days of the date of the Stage 2 outcome.

Documents may be submitted via email to

Alternatively please send by post to:

The Director of Operations
United Student Management Ltd t/a AXO Student Living
184 Shepherds Bush Road
London W6 7NL

The complaint will be acknowledged within 48 hours of its receipt and a review undertaken within 14 working days. The complainant will be notified in writing of the outcome of the review.

Should the complainant still be unhappy with the outcome of the complaint then they have the right to register their complaint through the National Code. Full details of how to complain can be found at:

The complaints process | Unipol Student Homes (

Please note that the National Code will not deal with any complaints that have not already been through the organisation’s internal Complaints Policy.