Why Study in the UK?
Making the decision of which country you want to study in for your undergraduate or postgraduate degree is not easy. If you’re considering the United Kingdom as an option but haven’t made your mind up yet, read on.
We’ve got some of the top benefits of studying in the UK.
World’s best universities
Completing your higher education degree in the UK means your degree will be recognised and respected around the world. With a wide variety of subjects to study, British universities offer their students a reputable education.
British universities are recognised across the world due to the high standards they hold. Each student is encouraged to achieve the very best grades they can, both academics and creativity are pushed for so whichever you’re interested in, you’ll be supported.
Great standard of teaching
In the UK there are regular inspections of educational institutions. For universities, it is the Quality Assurance Agency that does regular checks. This makes sure that universities are providing a high quality of education throughout the year.
Wide variety of courses to pick from
Studyin UK offers a useful tool to search for the different courses you can pick from. One of the greatest advantages of choosing to study in the UK is the fact that you can combine subjects. For example, you can study medicine and drama with a dual honour’s degree!
Shorter degrees
Here, undergraduate degrees are usually 3 years and masters is 1 year. In comparison to the United States where they offer 4-year undergraduate degrees and 2 years masters, that’s saving you on average a year each!
High number of international students
International students are welcome in the UK. Check out our blog “Best universities in the UK, top 50- 2022 ranking” to find out the exact percentage of international students in each university.
Culturally rich
The UK is the second most popular destination for international students when it comes to university studies. Studying here means you get to network with people around the world, become familiar with other cultures all while working on your degree. Not to mention the unique culture of the United Kingdom itself!
Easy to travel within Europe
You can travel to any European country within hours on a plane or train (the more sustainable option)! This gives you the opportunity to go on weekend trips with ease. Check out some of Time Out’s top European destinations for inspiration.
Work part-time as you study
You have the choice of working part-time while you study here! This is how it works: you can work up to 20 hours during term time and you have the option of increasing your hours to full-time during your holidays! This means you’ll be able to earn money while you’re studying.
High employability rate
A degree from the UK is recognised across the world. Employers appreciate them for encouraging critical and creative thinking. Those who have a UK degree have a higher chance of being employed and have a higher salary!
You should have a better idea of why a high number of international students decide to study in the UK. You could say you have the best combination here: a good education, friends from all over the world, the opportunity to earn money and regularly go on weekend trips away!